Jay Dee

Jay Dee

The Jay Dee was introduced to Perth Dinghy Sailing Club in 1976, as a high performance junior dinghy to fill the gap between the Mudlark and senior classes at the club.

The boat was designed by Perth Dinghy member Jim Merton and has proven to be the perfect introduction to high performance skiff sailing.

As a restricted design, changes in the class rules have been minimal since its inception. The 3.4m dinghy sails with a crew of two, with one on trapeze, which offers the sailors plenty of thrills. It has working sails of 8.6sqm and a large 9.5sqm asymmetric spinaker set from a retractable pole.

The simple rig, as well as keeping costs down, has ensured youngsters progressing up from smaller junior classes are able to handle the Jay Dee with minimal difficulty.The class has proven the test of time and continues to be an ideal stepping stone into senior high performance skiff classes.

For more information on this class visit:
Jay Dee Western Australia Facebook
Jay Dee Website

Ben Mawson Email: bmawson@iinet.net.au M: 0437 881 350



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