Dear Members
Following on from the announcement yesterday Sunday 22nd March 2020, by the Federal Government in relation with the Covid-19 Shut Downs. As per the Government directions the following will be applicable to the Perth Dinghy Sailing Club:
- Effective Immediately the 2019/20 Sailing Season has concluded and all club activities will cease until further notice.
- Results for Club Championships are as per the Clubs Website and are up-to-date. These can be viewed here
- Junior & Senior Presentations will be postponed until further notice
- Friday Night’s at the PDSC will cease
- The Annual AGM, is scheduled for Thursday 4th August 2020, however at this stage we will monitor the situation and advise closer to the date.
I urge all of our Members to follow the guidelines as set out by the Federal Government and Health Authorities and exercise Social Distancing as required. We are all currently in a very different world at the moment and the main thought we have to keep is making sure we are all safe.
I ask all members to continue to follow:
- Do not attend any club sailing day, event or function if they or their family members are feeling unwell or are suffering from continued repeated coughing or sneezing.
- Do not attend any club sailing day, event or function if they have been travelling outside of Australia in the previous 14 days or have had direct contact with another person known to have been travelling outside of Australia in the previous 14 days.
- Increase the number of times of and the duration/thoroughness of your hand washing.
- Sneeze or cough into the crook of your elbow or into a tissue and immediately dispose of the tissue and wash your hands.
- Refrain from handshaking and close personal contact.
Members are referred to the WA Department of Health information and guidelines which contains a lot of useful information here: or ring the hotline established if you do not have web access on: 1-800-080-020.
The Federal Government website is here:
We recommend you keep yourself updated on developments with the COVID-19 as the situation appears to be changing rapidly.
COVID-19 symptoms include: Symptoms are similar to other colds and flus and include: fever, cough, sore throat, fatigue and difficulty breathing.
Members who feel unwell or are concerned for their health, should ring their GP and ask for advice.
Do not report directly to your GPs surgery without prior contact to your GPs surgery, as this can place others at risk from spread of the virus.
I urge you to get on-board with the above common-sense responses to the situation, so that as a club we can keep all members and their families healthy and safe.
Please contact me directly if you need clarification on any of the above
Kind regards
Clayton Erwin
Perth Dinghy Sailing Club
M: 0429 998 119